Friday, February 10, 2012


Everything seems to point to Armageddon if you want it to. For example, The Canadian National Newspaper ran an article on Groundhog Day speculating about the possible conflict between the U.S. and Iran as a precursor to World War III. The article added: “there are many people in the world who wonder to what extent this conflict may be part of an “End of Times” scenario associated with a ‘New World Order’ program of elites.”

That’s what is so annoying about all the End of Days, Doomsday malarkey. Every time a conflict arises, someone extrapolates another Doomsday scenario. 

The article cites Dr. John Lash, who, among other activities, is the site author of, “Beyond the Tyranny of Beliefs.” Anyway, Lash examined a “broader picture” of 2012 based on “research on the ancient Pagan Gnostics” and determined that World War III will “happen some months before December 21, 2012.”

Later in the article, the author asks: “Does ‘numerology‘, which forms the apparent basis of the regressive alien construction of the Bible, point to June 15, 2012 as the tipping point for a World War III scenario associated with an unfolding Mayan Pentagram?”


But that ain’t all, folks! The article also goes on about the “New World Order,” that paranoid phrase that has been used as a rallying point for crackpots everywhere since President George Bush – the senior – mentioned it in a speech. Specifically, the “New World Order” is about the “elites” surviving while the rest of us die horribly.

“Elites apparently envision that in such circumstances the ‘New World Order’ will be not ‘dreaded’ as it is today. In the aftermath of a World War III, those of us humans, who have not been vaporized by atomic warfare, are supposed to be in a state of mass suffering which is supposed to inspire the praying for a formerly dreaded ‘New World Order.’ The elites as archontic ‘humanized faces of aliens’ orchestrate the problem: World War III; and then present the solution: the New World Order.”

Holy crap! Hey, you read it here first! That’s all so freaking convoluted that trying to make sense out of it hurts my head.

And with all of that – aliens, New World Order, World War III, Armageddon – the article also offers this tidbit of whatever:

“It just so happens that ‘Comet Elenin’ is supposed appear in orbit on December 21, 2012. It is therefore apparent that Comet Elenin [or more precisely ‘Cube Elenin’] is part of an alien agenda of manipulation through religious deception.”

“Beyond the Tyranny of Beliefs,” indeed!

Everyone clear on all that?

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