Wednesday, February 15, 2012


The National Geographic Channel and Kelton Research conducted a survey of Americans concerning both their frame of mind about and preparations for the End of the World.

What emerged from the study is really not too surprising, although the first and most significant find is a bit disturbing:

1. “85 percent of the nation is not ready for a devastating event.”

I say it is a bit disturbing and then realize that I actually fall into that 85 percent bracket. With the exception of freeze dried food, we probably have most of what we need to survive a disaster in the house. What we also need is the gumption to gather it all together.

2. “More than 62 percent of Americans think the world will experience a major catastrophe in less than 20 years.”

I could agree with this, but it really wouldn’t be that big of a deal. Define “major catastrophe.” The devastating earthquake in Haiti in 2010? The tsunami that flooded so much of Japan last year?  9/11? Sure they were localized to specific areas, but their impacts were felt around the world and still resonate today.

3. “Nearly three out of every four people (71%) envision a major disaster in their lifetime as an act of God, not man.”

Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico, tornados in the heartland, earthquakes on the Pacific coast…these are all “acts of God” that routinely occur. So, yes, I can envision them in my lifetime.

4. “One-third (27%) believe that the Mayan calendar’s prediction about a calamitous event in December 2012 will be at least “somewhat true.”

Well, I’m on the record here. It’s all hype and bullshit and the 27 percent are either ignorant or stupid.
5. “More than half of the nation (52%) believes that if Mitt Romney or one of his Republican counterparts overtake Barack Obama, a man-made catastrophe is more likely.”

Makes sense to me.

6. “Among those who feel unprepared, 40 percent cite the lasting effects of the recession as the reason for their unpreparedness.”

It’s a good excuse, but it’s just an excuse.

7. “The same number (40%) is saying ‘to hell with a 401(k)’ to save money for catastrophe arrangements.”

Whatever, dudes.

8. “Nearly half (49%) of Americans would forgo new high-end appliances in a new home if it had a safe room or bomb shelter instead.”

Not me. I want a new, fancy stove and I know my wife wouldn’t object to a new refrigerator with the freezer on the bottom. Besides, the cost of high-end appliances – even really, really high-end – wouldn’t cover the cost of a safe room or bomb shelter.

9. “If doomsday were to arrive, nearly four in 10 (39%) think they would not last two weeks based on the supplies they have on hand.”

Hmmmm. I’ll say we could go a month, but it would be an annoying, uncomfortable month.

10. “One in four Americans have done nothing to prepare.”

Well, there’s a lot of good TV and movies to watch and all those Websites to visit and Facebook, don’t get me started.
So what is the take away from all of this? For me it’s that 27 percent of America is stupid – but I knew that – and the rest of us are either lazy – I knew that, too – unconcerned or acutely paranoid.
Ain’t this a great country?

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