Saturday, February 18, 2012


“Wake up, this is no joke.” So begins the 12 pages of information concerning the “Ark Project.” 

“2012 the end of days is getting short. Are you ready?” Now, that’s the big question, right?

The Ark Project is presented by an “ex-British serviceman who has become concerned about disturbing prospects for the end of the year 2012.”

Well, I am an ex-American serviceman unconcerned about the end of the year 2012, other than the fact that a) I’ll be a year older and hopefully no fatter and b) the approach of the end of the year means Christmas shopping. I don’t like Christmas shopping. Heck, I don’t like shopping period.

The ex-British serviceman offers a list of concerns from which we are asked to draw our own conclusions and he offers as a measure of validation: “Also in the near future there is a glut of Hollywood films coming out regarding some of my concerns.”

Yes, indeed. Hollywood is taking its cues from an ex-British serviceman’s paranoia and not the lure of the almighty dollar.

Under the heading “Validation,” the ex-British serviceman rambles on about his time as an intelligence analyst in Whitehall, London. After this tedious discourse on intelligence work, he explains that he has gathered information on the End of Days. “There are films, documentaries and printed literature on many aspects of this material, some going back hundreds, thousands of years. But in this instance the person who must make sense of it is You. Because – Time is about to run out!

Wow, I’m breathless and all atwitter with anticipation.

Okay, after our intrepid British serviceman pronounces December 21, 2012 the last day we will know, he submits the usual suspects for consideration. Mayan Prophecy. Solar Flare. The return of Planet X. Global warming (which is featured twice). Stonehenge (“like many ancient sites has its origins and purpose lost to time… maybe this is really a clock for Nubiri’s return?” Or maybe not!)

New to this blog: “Sign of the Devil.” Here, I offer this gentleman’s words of explanation:

“This is purely my interpretation. But is there a numerology point here?

“Looking at the numbers involved in expressing the date a curious math seems apparent to me; 21/12/2012 or 12/21/2012 making perhaps

20 12   - 21 - 12
or 2 x (1+2) = 6, 2 x (2+1) = 6, lastly 2 x (1+2) = 6.

“So does that come to 666?

“666 the sign of the Devil that is said to become apparent at the end of time?

“There is a certain symmetry to the date and time from the Gregorian Calendar, which may or may not be proven, but a curious possibility I think you will agree.”

My favorite part of all of this is the entry on Hollywood.

“It has been argued by others that the timing of film releases from Hollywood look like a public awareness arm of the US government. I do not know, but the timing of films being released in the next few months seems remarkable. It certainly looks like a message is being delivered, emphatically. Remember just because something is on film, doesn’t make it real or a certainty, nor the outcome inevitable - though the skills of the special effects artists are very convincing and compelling.”

What? That’s about as much double-speak as I can process in one paragraph. Is Hollywood the propaganda arm of the US government preparing us for the End of Days or not? (I suggest….not!)

The British ex-serviceman offers the following reference: The Mayan Prophecy of 2012, WebBot forecasts, You Tube 2012 predictions, Scyblian Oracles – Book 4, Delphi Oracle, Forth coming film ‘High Definition’ by Columbia (about which I can find nothing), Egyptian Prophecies, Nubiri, NASA - Long Range Solar Activity Forecast (which, as we know, reveal no End of Days), UCAR – Sun Spot Forecast (see previous parenthetical comment), Edgar Cayce predictions, Nostradamus predictions, and 2012 Enigma by David Wilcox.

So, dear reader, you’re asking yourself, where does all this lead? Exactly where you would suspect:

How to Survive. “Take a copy of this eBook and join The Ark - 2012 Project. I can offer you some hope, a chance to survive the events of 2012. An e-Book to prompt and suggest, help you organize and prioritize. The cost is $8.00, payable through Paypal. Less than you probably pay a month on life insurance, but with the advantage that You get the benefit and those nearest and dearest to you the chance of Life.

“Even if all You have to worry about is Global Warming – you need to worry NOW! By the time any of this is News. It will be too late – only those who survive can write history.”

If there was a market for bullshit, this guy would have it cornered. Just another profiteer. If I knew who this guy was, I’d wait until the end of the year and then laugh and point at him.

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