Tuesday, February 28, 2012


If you’re like me, the Internet is more than just a friendly tool, it’s a window on the world, a place to browse and shop, oogle and Google. It’s amazing and sometimes a little spooky. But it has changed the world, I think, for the better.

So anyway, Anonymous, the worldwide alliance of superior hackers, has vowed that “On March 31, the Internet will go Black.” (That’s from the official announcement). They will be protesting “SOPA, Wallstreet, our irresponsible leaders and the beloved bankers who are starving the world for their own selfish needs out of sheer sadistic fun.”

Not only has Anonymous said they’ll make the Internet go black, they lay it all out there. “In order to shut the Internet down, one thing is to be done. Down the 13 root DNS servers of the Internet.” And they proceed to list the numerical IDs of the 13 servers in question.


Anonymous further explains: “By cutting these off the Internet, nobody will be able to perform a domain name lookup, thus, disabling the HTTP Internet, which is, after all, the most widely used function of the Web. Anybody entering "http://www.google.com" or ANY other url, will get an error page, thus, they will think the Internet is down, which is, close enough. Remember, this is a protest, we are not trying to 'kill' the Internet, we are only temporarily shutting it down where it hurts the most.

“While some ISPs use DNS caching, most are configured to use a low expire time for the cache, thus not being a valid failover solution in the case the root servers are down. It is mostly used for speed, not redundancy.”

There’s a lot of techno-speak that eludes me so I will leave it out of this.

Anonymous concludes:

“Since the attack will be using static IP addresses, it will not rely on name server resolution, thus enabling us to keep the attack up even while the Internet is down. The very fact that nobody will be able to make new requests to use the Internet will slow down those who will try to stop the attack.

“‘He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither.’ -- Benjamin Franklin

“We know you wont' listen. We know you won't change. We know it's because you don't want to. We know it's because you like it how it is. You bullied us into your delusion. We have seen you brutalize harmless old women who were protesting for peace. We do not forget because we know you will only use that to start again. We know your true face. We know you will never stop. Neither are we. We know.

*  We are Anonymous.
*  We are Legion.
*  We do not Forgive.
*  We do not Forget.
*  You know who you are, Expect us.”

All righty then, I guess there’s nothing to do now but wait to see what happens!
Oh, and I mention all of this because a day without the Internet will be much like Doomsday! At least to some of us.

(If, while reading this, you're wondering why the spacing is off, so am I.)

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