Thursday, February 9, 2012


Okay, I know that I go on and on about people profiting from the End of the World hysteria. However, I am a capitalist and America is a breeding ground for entrepreneurship and innovation, so I can’t fault people for supplying a product in demand (as long as it’s not illegal).
According to Stephanie Hockridge, a reporter at Channel 15, the ABC affiliate in Phoenix, a family there is doing brisk business gas masks, First Aid kits, pasta, potassium iodide tablets, dental medic kits and even blueberry cheesecake

Dennis McClung started the website in 2007 and says that he “was the first person in the world to sell survival supplies for 2012 and my most popular seller: water purification, you can only go three days without water.”

Attracting thousands of hits daily and with no storefront or overhead to speak of, McClung is raking in the doomsday dollars.

“When I started in 2007, I probably made enough money to buy a cup of coffee at the end of the month. Now, I make enough money to pay the bills,” says McClung.

And, he’s actually no prophet of doom. “I saw a niche and I acted upon it more than anyone else in the world. If nothing happens, then in 2012, I have a self-sufficient home and I'm ready for anything.”

Okay, he’s not a prophet of doom, but he is hedging his bets just a bit. You know, in case of KA-BOOM! End of Days.

However, McClung does have the right attitude. What will he and his family be doing on December 21, 2012?

“Probably be Christmas shopping.”

And if they survive Doomsday, they’re going to Disneyland!

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