Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I haven’t discussed geomagnetic reversal much in the course of the last couple of months. True Believers (idiots/morons) like to lump this into the many possible scenarios that will lead to Doomsday/End of Days/the Apocalypse/Armageddon – basically one of many Dooms du Jour.

Here’s the thing, according to the experts. Geomagnetic reversal may happen and eventually will happen! The
True Believers (idiots/morons) misrepresent reality, twisting a natural phenomenon into a Doomsday circumstance. In truth the earth’s magnetic field shifts frequently.

As one expert explains:

The Earth's magnetic field, with its north and south poles, isn't as constant as you'd think. During the 20th century, when scientists began studying the Earth's polarity more closely, the exact location of the poles would shift anywhere between 6.2 and 24.9 miles (10 and 40 kilometers) per year. Even more surprising is the fact that sometimes the magnetic poles completely flip – so the North Pole heads south and the South Pole travels north. This happens very infrequently throughout the Earth's history: The last reversal happened about 780,000 years ago.”

Thus, while the True Believers (idiots/morons) are peeing their pants and spreading their hysterical, panicky nonsense, the reality is this: it is impossible to predict a magnetic reversal and “it's impossible for the Earth to change its rotation.” In other words, the sun isn’t going to suddenly start rising in the West. (Well, if that happened we would all be dead anyway.)

So for those of you who think describing the True Believers as idiots and morons is too harsh, I point to this bizarre belief in magnetic reversal as an entrée to Doomsday. These mooks are so systematically stupid that they grasp at any asinine concept that rolls down the pike whether or not it has any basis in reality. At best, they are simply polluting the gene pool.

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