Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Dodge Taxes and Prepare for the End Times
Winston Blackmore, a Canadian polygamous, borrowed $25,000 from a bank to buy supplies for his religious sect in southeastern British Columbia in preparation for the end of the world.
Apparently, the preparations were necessary in the light of the 15 – that’s right 15! – predictions of the end of the world by a “prophet” of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS). Not a particularly accurate prophet, by the by, but a prophet none the less.
Blackmore told a Canadian Tax Court that the patriarch/prophet told him to borrow the money so they could “prepare for the worst.” He is on trial for $1.5 million in back taxes. The court claims he owes taxes for 2000 through 2004 and 2006. I guess he ponyed up in 2005.
Sobering Report from NASA Scientist
David Morrison, senior scientist at the NASA Astrobiology Institute, has received scores of emails from people around the world worried and panicked about Doomsday. As Morrison said, these people are “seriously, seriously upset.”

For example, a young mother in Denmark emailed him that she was contemplating killing her two-year-old daughter, her unborn baby and herself “before December 2012 for fear of having to experience the Earth’s destruction.”

A 13-year-old American emailed Morrison: “I am considering suicide. I am scared to tears . . . I don’t want to live any more…”

Yet another email proclaimed: “I am so scared. My only friend is my little dog. When should I put her to sleep so she won’t suffer when the Earth is destroyed?”

This is the dark side of idiotic End-of-the-World, Doomsday bullshit! This is why reasonable, rational people need to tell others that “No, the world isn’t going to end in 2012 or anytime soon. The world has been chugging along just fine for a long time and will continue to do so regardless of asinine predictions by lunatics and scam artists.”

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