Sunday, February 26, 2012


According to the arts column in the South Florida Gay News, The former beauty queen (“Miss Richfield, Minn. 1981”) debuted her new show, 2012 – We’ll All Be Dead by Christmas, recently to kick off the 2012 Winter Party Festival.

First of all, if you’re a former beauty queen does that mean you got ugly? “The former beauty queen, current uglo…” That’s just not right.

The debut was a benefit for the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.

The “Midwestern maven” celebrated the coming Mayan apocalypse “with songs, videos and lots of audience ‘activities.’”

As an incentive to attend, audience members had a chance to win tickets to the 2012 Winter Party Festival, the “hottest party of the year, which draws more than 10,000 participants.”

And, I hope a good time was had by all. This is a much more appropriate way to celebrate the End of Days than stockpiling years and years worth of freeze-dried foods and running around the woods like a mook in camo screaming “End of Days! End of Days!”

In Riverside, California, the latest edition of “Comedy Apocalypse” is entitled the “Earth-Shattering Mayan Calendar Edition.” The show features three comedy heavyweights including Greg Fitzsimmons, a four-time Emmy winner as a writer for “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” Dean Edwards, a stand-up comedian famous for his impersonations of Michael Jackson, Eddie Murphy, Serena Williams and Denzel Washington and Brent Weinbach, a comedian who has been featured on a number of comedy and talk shows as well as the comedy circuit.

And while we’re on the subject of shows about the End of the World, Tony Award winner and frequently TV gust star Christine Ebersole has a new show at the Café Carlyle in the Big Apple entitled, appropriately, The End of the World As We Know it Cabaret.

Isn’t that great? Armageddon as a cabaret. If you’ve got to go, go out singing and dancing.
Ms. Ebersole’s show is a “beautifully put-together 60-minute piece,” in which she “once more pulls off the seemingly impossible (or at least improbable): combing scathing political commentary, heartfelt anecdotes about her family, and an incredibly eclectic song-list into an act that's not just coherent, but often transcendent.”

That’s what I’m talking about! Doomsdays should be Happy-to-Be-Alive Days!

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