Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Well, it’s Valentine’s Day! Time for chocolate covered cherries and bouquets of roses, sappy love songs and slow dances. It’s a goofy day, in my opinion. Always has been. Men run around like idiots feeling guilty because they didn’t make the perfect dinner reservations – I mean, really, what’s not romantic about a veggie pizza, a bucket of beer and a chilling horror flick like “Valentine” with heartthrob David Boreanaz and Denise Richards or “My Bloody Valentine,” either the 1981 original, which I prefer, or the 2009 remake? I mean, if you want to cuddle in the dark, there’s nothing like a good slasher flick to get everyone closer.

Sorry, I really digressed. What I really want to talk about is the Ford Motor Company’s missing sense of humor. If you watched the Super Bowl – and who didn’t? – you probably saw the post-Apocalypse commercial from General Motors that played off the silly Mayan calendar hysteria.

The commercial features a Chevrolet Silverado traversing a scary, debris-filled landscape that is the result of the Mayan-predicted Doomsday. As the truck makes its way through the rubble we see a wrecked flying saucer, a gigantic robot and considerable ruin. When, at last, the truck arrives at a city square where other drivers await in their Silverados, one of them asks: “Where’s Dave?”

Another shakes his head sadly. “Dave drove a Ford.”

Funny, right?

Wrong, according to Ford execs who got their tidy whites in a bunch. Ford attorneys were all atwitter, writing: "If Chevrolet does not [remove the ads from the Internet] prior to the start of the Super Bowl, then Ford will take all appropriate steps to enforce and protect its reputation." That was according to The Detroit News.

Okay, fine, don’t have a sense of humor. But did I mention that one of the drivers was eating Twinkies – a food with a half-life of like forever – and that it started raining frogs?

Geez, that’s funny and, to boot, it puts the Mayan Doomsday nonsense in the proper perspective, a joke.

Have a great Valentine’s Day. Don’t eat too much chocolate or drink too much Champaign. However, “do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight!”

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