Friday, February 3, 2012


The History Channel recently aired a two-hour special on predictions by the 16th Century physician Michel de Nostradame (AKA Nostradamus) that unveiled a “lost chapter of Nostradamus's predictions.” The show was entitled….wait for it!..."Nostradamus 2012."
The History Channel has been fanning this hysterical flame for years with show after show about Nostradamus and his alleged predictions of the French Revolution, the JFK assassination, Napoleon Bonaparte, Hitler and the third world war.

I’ll tell you, you make a broad enough prediction and it can’t help but come true. To that end, here are my predictions for 2012 and I’m saying here and now that I will come in at 80 percent or better:
1.      During the spring and early summer, areas of the American heartland will experience major flooding.

2.      Renewed violence will break out in the Middle East.

3.      A tyrannical dictator will be driven out of office.

4.      An iconic American movie star and Academy Award winner will die.

5.      An earthquake will create widespread destruction and panic.

6.      A major medical breakthrough in cancer research will be announced.

7.      A volcano will erupt, spewing smoke and ash over a wide area.

8.      A political contender will make a major gaffe when referring to President Obama.

9.      U.S. unemployment rate will fall.

10.  President Barack Obama will be re-elected to a second term.
I’ll revisit these in December – you know, sometime before the world ends…not – to check on my accuracy as a prognosticator, soothsayer and latter day seer.

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