Saturday, February 25, 2012


Yet another survey by the National Geographic Channel and Kelton Research found some more interesting results when Americans were asked about Doomsday.

For one thing, as I mentioned here a week or two ago regarding the other Nat Geo survey, about 85 percent of respondents felt they were “underprepared” for a major catastrophe.

When they were asked: "Which of the following would you most likely do if you thought the world might end tomorrow?"

27 percent said, "Resolve any feuds or disagreements with loved ones."

24 percent said, "Have sex."

My thinking is 24 percent would have sex is pretty low. I would think that everybody would want to get laid the day before Armageddon. I mean, it’s Doomsday! You’re not going to get another shot at it (so to speak).

Well, of the 24 percent of “the randy respondents were exactly twice as likely to be male as female.” In other words, dudes planning to have sex out numbered when two to one. That could be inconvenient come Doomsday eve.

But that men out number women in this preference two to one is no surprise. Not really. Guys being guys and sex being sex and, well, you know...

Still, consider that a about one in four people would mend fences with relatives – no bad blood on the other side – and then run off to have sex because, in the scheme of things, Doomsday would be the coitus interruptus of all coitus interruptus (or interrupti?).  

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